ASANTE AID PROJECT University/College sponsorship 12/2021

ASANTE AID PROJECT University/College sponsorship 12/2021

UNI and COLLEGE students

Sponsorship for college

The annual donation to enable a child to learn a profession starts from Kes 50,000 (also monthly payable). We pay the school fees for the child and give him a school uniform, school items and an overall if needed.

Sponsorship to send a child to university

To give a child the possibility to study starts from Kes 250,000 up to Kes 700,000 or even more. Sometimes also a donor community is sponsoring the student. This includes the school fees, food, and the accommodation. 

For UNI and COLLEGE students, a laptop would also be especially important. If a sponsor agrees to buy their sponsored child a laptop for around Kes 50,000 we, and especially the child, would be incredibly happy to receive the laptop.

ASANTE - Aid for Children and Schools in Africa


ASANTE AID PROJECT School sponsorship 12/2021

ASANTE AID PROJECT School sponsorship 12/2021

To enable a child to attend school at a primary school, an amount from € 125.00 per year must be paid. With this money we buy the school supplies necessary for school attendance, the school bag, a complete school uniform including shoes, socks, underwear, soap, and groceries. We were able to reduce the school fee in mid-2018 and now pay a small lump sum as a donation for our sponsored children to the legal guardians. We owe this to our cashier from ASANTE-KENYA, Mr. Nicholas, who was able to prevail despite fierce resistance from the schools. We also make sure that children are no longer sent home by schools or teachers or directors. That is no longer allowed!

The costs for the kindergarten, which ASANTE covers in full, remain high. There is no support from the state for this. ASANTE is currently looking after 463 (!) Children. However, these numbers will steadily increase over the next few weeks.

ATTENTION – NEW: Secondary schools are now available for almost all children who have completed the 8th grade Primary School. Children who did not finish 8th grade primary school with not so good grades can attend an easier form of secondary school – comparable to performance groups. We are convinced that this is a good thing. The lighter forms of secondary schools are somewhat cheaper and are usually run as day schools.

The various ways to assist a child with a school sponsorship

Sponsor a child for kindergarten and primary school

The annual donation to send a child to school is Kes 12,500. In addition to the school fees the child gets a school uniform, underwear, school bag, school items and a small present (Maize meal and beans).

ASANTE - Aid for Children and Schools in Africa


Frohe Festtage | Merry Christmas 2021

Frohe Festtage | Merry Christmas 2021

Liebe ASANTE-Freunde, Patinnen, Paten, SpenderInnen und alle, die uns „HELFEN ZU HELFEN“!

Ich, Franz, möchte um Entschuldigung bitten, weil ich aufgrund einer Erkrankung unserer lieben ASANTE-Schriftführerin Karin nicht in der Lage bin, euch die Fotos der Patenkinder und all die Fotos, die ihr durch eure Spenden erhalten solltet, vor Weihnachten zu senden.

Die vielen Bilder zu bearbeiten, zu beschriften, in die jeweiligen ASANTE-Ordner abzulegen und an euch zu schicken, ist für mich, da ich im Moment mit dieser umfangreichen Arbeit alleine bin, einfach nicht möglich.

Einige von euch haben die Fotos schon erhalten und ich bleibe natürlich an dieser Arbeit dran. Ich werde nicht aufgeben und euch ALLEN die Bilder schicken. Sobald es der gesundheitliche Zustand der Schriftführerin zulässt, wird dies selbstverständlich wieder schneller vorwärts gehen.

Ich bitte im Namen des ASANTE-Teams um Verständnis und bedanke mich herzlich für eure Unterstützung und Hilfe!

Wir haben eure Patenkinder wieder für die Schule ausgerüstet, das Schulgeld bezahlt und zur Schule geschickt.

Die Kinder machen jetzt den Term 2 – 2021 fertig, Term 3 wird 2022 erledigt. Dann geht’s gleich weiter mit dem Term 1,2 und Term 3 für 2022. Term 3 wird bis Ende November 2022 abgeschlossen. 2023 geht es dann wieder normal weiter, falls nicht wieder ein Virus oder eine andere Katastrophe alles durcheinanderbringt. Eure Kinder bekommen auch die monatliche Essensration oder werden in der Schule mit Essen versorgt.  Dank eurer Spende konnten wir euren Patenkindern ein extra Essenspaket als Geschenk für die ganze Familie geben.

ASANTE SANA (Danke sehr) für die Unterstützung unseres ASANTE-Hilfsprojekts und vor allem der besonders bedürftigen Kinder in Afrika, um ihnen die so wichtige SCHULBILDUNG und ein menschenwürdiges DASEIN zu ermöglichen! 

Wir schicken natürlich auch allen SpenderInnen die Fotos von den Patienten, den Häusern, Toiletten, Betten, Schulbänken usw. welche diese gespendet haben.  Hier findet Ihr den Kurzbericht und die ASANTE-Broschüre (Folder). Eine kurze Antwort per E-Mail, ein Anruf oder eine WhatsApp Nachricht, würde uns freuen. (+43 664 2207040)

Asante Sana und liebe Grüße von euren Patenkindern, von all jenen, welche ihr unterstützt habt, sowie von

Karin, Hermine und Franz

ASANTE - Aid for Children and Schools in Africa




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  • To raise, mobilize and disburse funds and other resources for the promotion of our objectives.
  • To pay school for the vulnerable children.
  • To assist in establishing and establishment of schools for the needy.
  • To provide relevant education materials for the needy children.
  • To organize feeding programs for the needy children in schools.
  • To promote and improve the living standards of vulnerable children and guardians particularly supporting their health care food and nutrition and shelter.
  • To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the above aims.
  • To invest money in the organization not immediately required in any one or more of the modes of investment of trust moneys or such other manner as the Board of the organization may from time to time determine provided that the outcome of such investments shall be generated back to the organization to achieve its objectives

ASANTE - Aid for Children and Schools in Africa





  • To raise, mobilize and disburse funds and other resources for the promotion of our objectives.
  • To pay school for the vulnerable children.
  • To assist in establishing and establishment of schools for the needy.
  • To provide relevant education materials for the needy children.
  • To organize feeding programs for the needy children in schools.
  • To promote and improve the living standards of vulnerable children and guardians particularly supporting their health care food and nutrition and shelter.
  • To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the above aims.
  • To invest money in the organization not immediately required in any one or more of the modes of investment of trust moneys or such other manner as the Board of the organization may from time to time determine provided that the outcome of such investments shall be generated back to the organization to achieve its objectives

ASANTE - Aid for Children and Schools in Africa