Hilfe für Kinder und Schulen in Afrika
Helft uns helfen
Mit Deiner/Eurer Patenschaft …
Franz ist und voraus gegangen.
So nehmen wir alle Abschied von ihm.
Franz has gone ahead of us. This is how we all say goodbye to him.
Bericht in MeinBezirk.at
With Franz Ferrari from Nassereith, the world loses a very special person who paved the way to a better life for a large number of Africans with his aid organization Asante.
NASSEREITH. Franz and his wife Hermine first traveled to Kenya in 1990 for a vacation. While visiting a school in the African bush country, they discovered that the children attended classes sitting on the floor.
Back at the hotel, Franz made a plan for a school bench. Thus the idea of ASANTE was born.
He tried to collect donations from the hotel guests while still on site, but was unsuccessful. Back home, he and his wife did everything they could to raise money for the poor.
Asante was founded
The association ASANTE was founded. Franz bought a plot of land in southeastern Kenya and built a house there. The couple now traveled to their adopted country every winter to help. And they did so for more than three decades.
Initially, it was a few school desks that offered children a more pleasant education, but eventually education became the most important thing for ASANTE. Destitute children, many of them AIDS orphans, were to be given access to or attendance at school.
Help needed on site
More than 500 children were enabled to attend school by ASANTE supporters. ASANTE has built a total of 145 typical houses for the most needy, as well as 90 toilets. ASANTE also financed medical aid for orphans and relatives. Franz Ferrari was an uncompromising, honest person who did not beat around the bush, but took action.
A life’s work
ASANTE was his life’s work. Many people in Kenya owe him a great debt of gratitude. After his retirement, ASANTE was a full-time job for Franz. He and his wife spent two to three months a year in Kenya. He and his wife Hermine were and are a role model in terms of empathy and drive in the service of humanity – qualities that are rarely found today. In this respect, his work will have a significance far beyond his death, the quality and quantity of which is invaluable.
ASANTE AID PROJECT Medical Help 12/2021
Kalume Baya 72-14, needs your HELP “HELP US TO HELP PLEASE” The boy was born without an exit. He was given an artificial exit after giving birth. Kalume suffered from this torment for 7 years. In August 2014, ASANTE made the necessary operation possible so that he can...
ASANTE AID PROJECT Children without sponsors (3) 12/2021
Now we have about 500 very needy kids – mostly orphans, at our waiting lists. Let´s hope that we get some goodhearted people who sponsor some kids.
ASANTE AID PROJECT Children without sponsors (2) 12/2021
Now we have about 500 very needy kids – mostly orphans, at our waiting lists. Let´s hope that we get some goodhearted people who sponsor some kids.
ASANTE AID PROJECT Children without sponsors (1) 12/2021
Now we have about 500 very needy kids – mostly orphans, at our waiting lists. Let´s hope that we get some goodhearted people who sponsor some kids.
ASANTE AID PROJECT Complete sponsorship 12/2021
Food for orphans and most deprived children This valuable kind of help get more children in need, even if they are already supported by the same or a different sponsor with a school sponsorship. An annual donation of Kes 19,200 supports a child with food (also...
ASANTE AID PROJECT University/College sponsorship 12/2021
Sponsorship for college The annual donation to enable a child to learn a profession starts from Kes 50,000 (also monthly payable). We pay the school fees for the child and give him a school uniform, school items and an overall if needed. Sponsorship to send a child to...
ASANTE AID PROJECT School sponsorship 12/2021
To enable a child to attend school at a primary school, an amount from € 125.00 per year must be paid. With this money we buy the school supplies necessary for school attendance, the school bag, a complete school uniform including shoes, socks, underwear, soap, and...
Frohe Festtage | Merry Christmas 2021
Ich, Franz, möchte um Entschuldigung bitten, weil ich aufgrund einer Erkrankung unserer lieben ASANTE-Schriftführerin Karin nicht in der Lage bin, euch die Fotos der Patenkinder und all die Fotos, die ihr durch eure Spenden erhalten solltet, vor Weihnachten zu senden....
Click im Bild, um die PDF-Version zu laden OUR GOALS To raise, mobilize and disburse funds and other resources for the promotion of our objectives. To pay school for the vulnerable children. To assist in establishing and establishment of schools for the needy. To...
OUR GOALS To raise, mobilize and disburse funds and other resources for the promotion of our objectives. To pay school for the vulnerable children. To assist in establishing and establishment of schools for the needy. To provide relevant education materials for the...
PROSPER, unser kleiner Held | ein kurzer Bericht
Tiefe Dankbarkeit empfinden die Eltern des kleinen Prosper Kazungu Tumbo für die Hilfsbereitschaft von ASANTE und den vielen SpenderInnen. Ihr kleiner Sohn Prosper kam ohne Anus zur Welt. Die Mutter kam mit dem stark geschwächten Kind in unser ASANTE-Büro in Kilfi und...
Prospekt 2020 | Download 12/2021
Ein Klick im Bild öffnet die Broschüre zum Download
Kurzbericht 2020 | März
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ALI JOHN KATANA bittet um eine Patenschaft (63-17)
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BRIAN KITHI KOMBE sucht eine Patenschaft (140-17)
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Prisca Jackson sucht eine Patenschaft (54-17)
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Patrick Francis sucht eine Patenschaft
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Saumu Kadzugwe sucht eine Patenschaft
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ASANTE | Oberland DABEI-Novemberausgabe
Unterstützt die Kinder mit Eurer wertvollen Hilfe! Schulbildung und ausreichende Ernährung garantieren ein menschenwürdiges Dasein. ASANTE SANA!
Lucy Hamisi sucht eine Patenschaft
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Fatuma Suilemani sucht einen Paten
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Helft uns Kindern helfen
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